Explain the importance of sorting objects into groups with the help of an example.

We need to sort objects into group because it makes convenient study their properties and also observe any patterns in these properties. It also help us to locate any object. E.g.A grocer usually keeps all the type of biscuits at one corner of  his shop, all soaps at another while grains and pulses are stored at some other place.
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Explain the importance of sorting objects into groups with the help example
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We have seen that everything in a store is sorted out and
arranged in an orderly manner. We will find all kinds of biscuits in a
certain place and food items such as jams, juices and honey in a
certain place in the store.
Such an arrangement or sorting of materials in a store is very useful.
It helps people to locate things easily, compare prices of different
brands and select what they want to buy.
It also helps the shop owner to know what is selling and what is not
selling and keep an account of goods which are sold and replace them
from time to time.
It also makes the shop look neat and tidy.
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