Explain the lines from 4th chp. of Up From Slavery: ' I also learned a valuable lesson at Hampton by coming into contact with the best breeds of livestock and fowls. No student I think who has had the opportunityof doing this could go out into the world and content himself with the poorest grades.'

The education that Booker T. Washington had received at Hampton was not just confined to the textbooks because that constituted a small part of his learning there. He considered the environment most conducive and wholesome for learning. From the teachers dedicated to the task of imparting education to the live stock and fowls he came into contact with, he believed everything contributed to shaping his educative experience there. He comments that no student who has had the opportunity to go out into a world like that would be content with poor grades. It was an environment which demanded his utmost participation and dedication.

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you don't need the answer... stop studying and play... live a live... do not kill yourself with books...©LR
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