Extract- An elementary school classroom in a slum. "Far far from.... sweet and young"

Can you please explain why option A is correct? On what basisi are we eliminating the other options? please answer in detail. 

Dear Student,

 Through the poem, he is highlighting the inequalities prevailing in our society. He wants the government in particular and society in general to focus on these children so that their lives improve. Therefore, he has a general sense of compassion towards these children. He is also thoughtful and pensive as he is pointing out the structural imbalance of a capitalist society. There is no apprehension or confusion in his mind as he understands that these children are being systematically exploited. He is not resentful towards them despite their dull appearances. While society treats them as unwelcome and unwanted, he is sympathetic towards them. Their condition makes him sad. So, he is in a woeful mood. He is still hopeful towards their future as he finds that these children have not lost hope. It is the dreams that these children have that stops the poet from being disillusioned. He is full of misery seeing their present condition but is hopeful for their future.


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