figure shows mixed grouping of identical cells each of EMF 4V and internal resistance 1 ohm the combination can be replaced by an equivalent cell between A and B having EMF E and internal resistance r where

figure shows mixed grouping of identical cells each of EMF 4V and internal resistance 1 ohm the combination can be replaced by an equivalent cell between A and B having EMF E and internal resistance r where 24. Figure shows mixed grouping of identical cells each of e.m.f. 4 V and intemal resistance 1 Q. This combination can be replaced by an equivalent cell between A and B having e.m.f. E and internal resistance r, where = 24V r = 18 Q = 72V r = 18 Q = 72V r = 2 Q

Eeff for n no.of identiical cells connected in series combination =nE where E is individual EMF of 1 such cell
Eeff=6*4=24 V
reff for n no.of identical cells connected in series combination =nr where r is individual internal resistance of 1 such cell
so the question gets simplified according to this formula as 3 cells with EMF of 24 V each and internal resistance 6 ohms connected parallel
Eeff for n no.of identiical cells connected inparallel combination =E where E is individual EMF of 1 such cell
reff for n no.of identical cells connected in parallel combination =r/n where r is individual internal resistance of 1 such cell
r'eff=6/3=2 ohms

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