Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions (- is for blank )
  1. A very pretty woman , - she squints a little.
  2. Do not be idle , - you come to want.
  3. He deserved to succeed , - he worked.
  4. You will miss the train - you hurry
  5. He finished first - he began late.
  6. It is a long time - we last saw her.
  7. We will play the match - it rains - not.
  8. His riches , - vast , were not acquireddishonestly.
  9. There was no news ; - she went on hoping.
  10. Stone walls do not a prison make , - iron bars a cage.
  11. There is nothing either good - bad thinking makes it so .
  12. Write it down - you forgot all about it.
  13. They were commanded to wait - the signal was given.
  14. He felt - the ground were slipping beneath his feet.
  15. She blushes ; - she is guilty.

Dear Student,

Some parts of the query could not be interpreted properly. Kindly recheck and re-post the rectified statements. The remaining parts have been solved.

1. but
3. because
4. unless
5. though  
6. since
9. so
10. and
11. or
12. before
13. until
14. like
15. as

  • 2
she is a (s)(t)(u)(p)(i)(d).
  • 0
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