Fill up the blanks with preposition: 1) She is beautiful ____ not vain. 2) Blessed are the merciful ______ they shall obtain mercy. 3) Give every man thy ear _______ few thy voice. 4) We waited _____ the train arrived. 5) Be just ____ fear not. 6) You will get the prize ______you deserve it. 7) She has a lots of faults; ______ I admire her very much. 8) She would not believe me; _____ I had to give her proofs.

1) She is beautiful but not vain.
2) Blessed are the merciful as they shall obtain mercy.
3) Give every man thy ear but few thy voice.
4) We waited until the train arrived.
5) Be just and fear not.
 ( 'and' is not a preposition but it is the best suitable answer over here)
6) You will get the prize as you deserve it.
7) She has a lots of faults; but I admire her very much.
8) She would not believe me; in accordance with that I had to give her proofs.


  • 5

1.but 2.for 3.but 4.untill 5.and 6.because 7.but 8.untill

  • 2
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