Find missing word in Q. No. 6 fast

Find missing word in Q. No. 6 fast (e) (d) (i) reeling (ivJ have feu In the following passage one word has been omined in each line .Write the missing word. in anv four sentences of 'he given paragraph. along with the word 'hat comes before and the word that comes after in space provided _ [4 '"arks) Himachal Pradesh a good place for Camp Pine Eco Camp of i he e«'tourism resorts near BarogHimachaI Pradesh _ is gaining popularity each passing day as more and more want get away trom the Before Missing Word After E.g. Pradesw hectic schedules _ This become a ravourite murisr spot (e) QI. Rearrange any four of the following word cluseers to make meaningful sentences. (1 x 4

  1. Pradesh is
  2. Camp is one
  3. Barog in Himachal
  4. popularity with each
  5. want to get
  6. This has become

  • 3
Camp. Is. One
  • 0
(a) camp-is - one
(b) Barog-in-H.P
(c) popularity-by-each
(d) want-to-get
(e) this-has-become
Hope this is correct...:)
  • 2
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