1. Find the area of the right angled triangle if the radius of its circumcircle is 5 cm and altitude drawn to the hypotenuse is 4 cm.

Dear Student!

Here is the answer to your query.


Given : The radius of circumcircle of a triangle is 5 cm and Altitude drawn  to the hypotenuse is 4 cm. 


We know that if an angle of triangle is 90° then its hypotenuse is the diameter of the circumcircle.

⇒ Hypotenuse = Diameter = 2 × radius = 2 × 5 cm = 10 cm


Now area of triangle = × base × height



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Radius of circumcircle = 2.5 cm We know that in a right angled triangle, the circumcentre is the mid-point of hypotenuse. So, Hypotenuse = 2 (radius of circumcircle) = 5 cm Now, Altitude drawn to hypotenuse = 2 m = 200 cm So, are of triangle = 1/2 X Base X Altitude = 1/2 X 5 X 200 = 500 cm2 = 5 m2 Therefore, Area of the given triangle = 5 m2
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