find the locus of the circumcentre of a triangle whose two sides are along the co-ordinate axes and third side passes through the point of intersection of the lines ax+by+c =0 and lx +my +n=0

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

As two sides are along co-ordinate axes. Hence triangle OAB will be right angled.Let locus of circumcentre be h,k and equation of hypotenuse be xp+yq=1.As triangle is right angled hence circumcentre will be at the mid point of the hypotenuse.h,k=p+02,0+q2p=2h and q=2k.xp+yq=1 becomesx2h+y2k=1xh+yk=2 ;equationiGiven that hypotenuse passes throughax+by+c=0 ;equationiilx+my+n=0 ;equationiiiequationii×l -equationiii×a, we get,alx+bly+cl-alx-amy-an=0ybl-am=an-cly=an-clbl-amequationii×m -equationiii×b, we get,amx+bmy+cm-blx-bmy-bn=0xam-bl=bn-cmx=bn-cmam-blPutting the value of x,y in equationi, we get,1hbn-cmam-bl+1kan-clbl-am=2kbn-cmbl-am+han-clam-blhkam-blbl-am=2kbn-cmbl-am+han-clam-bl=2hkam-blbl-amReplace hx and ky to get the equation of locus of circumcenter.ybn-cmbl-am+xan-clam-bl=2xyam-blbl-am AnswerReplace h

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