find the measures of unknown angles.

  1. In triangle ABC, angle BAC=70 degree. what is the measure of angle ABC and angle ACB?
  2. In triangle POR, the point R is extended upto point S. Angle PRS=110 degree. what is the measure of angle PQR and angle QPR?
  3. In triangle XYZ, the point X is extended upto point O. Angle XZY=90 degrees. What is the measure of angle XYZ and angle YXO?
  4. In triangle EFG, the point G is extended upto point H. Angle FEG=70 degrees. What is the measure of angle EGH and angle FEG?
  5. In triangle CAB, the point B is extended upto point D. Angle ACB=30 degrees and angle CBD=65 degrees. What is the measure of angle CAB and angle CBA?

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