Find the missing frequency 'f' if the mode of the data is 39.
Class interval 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 65-75
Frequency 2 3 f 7 4 2 2

Dear student,

Considering the given mode is 39 ans solving further
Class Interval Frequency
5-15 2
15-25 3
25-35 f
35-45 7
45-55 4
55-65 2
65-75 2

As, mode=39So, the modal class=4055l=35, h=10, f0=f, f1=7, f2=4As, mode=l+ f1- f02f1-f0-f2×h39=35+7- f2×7-f-4×1039-35=7- f14-f-4×104=7- f10-f×10410=7- f10-f40-4f=70-10f10f-4f=70-406f=30f=306f=5


  • 5
Picture's a little unclear, please tell what is the mode? 
  • 3
Hope this hlp u..

  • 1
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