Find the perimeter of the adjoining fig with AED semi circle and ABCD is a rectangle


AB + BC + CD = 20 + 14 + 20 = 54 cm
Diameter of semicircle = 14 cm
⇒ Radius of semicircle i.e. r = 7 cm
Permimeter of Arc AED = πr = 22/7 * 7 = 22π7π
Hence, perimeter of given figure =22+54 = 76 cm

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without figure this question is incomplete
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76 cm 
  • 1
From the GIVEN figure we have:
Length = AB = DC = 20 cm
Breadth = BC = AD = 14 cm
Radius of semicircle, (r)= AD/2 = 14/2= 7 cm.

Circumference of semicircle (AED)= πr = (22/7) × 7 = 22 cm

Perimeter of the given figure = AB + BC +CD + Circumference of semicircle
Perimeter of the given figure = 20 +14 +20 + 22 = 76 cm.

Hence, the Perimeter of the given figure is 76 cm

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