Find the product 24x2(1-2x)and evaluate it for x=2.

24x21-2x= 24x2-24x2×2x= 24x2-48x3For x = 2;2422-4823= 24×4-48×8= 96-384= -288

  • 6
  1. Given 24x2 (1-2x ) whereas x = 2
  2. So it will become 24x2 ( 1-2 x 2 )
  3. =24x2 ( 1-4 )
  4. =24x2 ( 1+ ( -4 ) )
  5. =24x2 ( -3 )
  6. = -72x2 { You need to multiply 24 and -3 }
  7. So the answer to your query is -72x2
  • -2
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