find the range of f(x) = under root 16-x2

  • -10

In the given function f(x) =√(16 - x2) will be defined if value of x2≤ 16. As if in case its value would be increased the term under the root will become negative and that will not be real as sq. of anything cannot be negative.

So let us take,

x2 = 16

(or) x =±√16

(or) x =±4

therfore the range of f(x) will be between +4 and -4

i.e., Range = {-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4}

Hope this helped..

Thumbs up please...!!!

  • -21

actually for f(x) is greater than or equal to under root 16-x2

  • -9
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