Find the smallest number which must be added to 5678 to make it a perfect square. Find this perfect square root.

Hence teh next perfect square =

5776 - 5678 = 98


Hence 98 must be added to 5678 to make it a perfect square

  • 8

it should be added by 53 to get a perfect square number. when it will be added by 53 the number becomes 5731 and is the square of 79

  • 3

no, the first ans is worng. 98 should be added to make it a perfect square when we will add it the number becomes 5776 which is the square of 76. i found this answer with the help of long divison method.

  • 3

98 must be added to 5678 to make it perfect square as 5678+98=5776=76 X 76

  • 4

98 should be added to 5678 to make a perfect square

  • -1

i think if we add 98 to yhe no 5678 its total wouid give you a perfect square' s result

  • 2
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