1. find the speed of light in diamond if its refractive index is 2.5 (speed of light in vaccum = 3 * 108msec).
  2. find the refractive index of glass if light travels in it with speed of 2*108msec ( speed of light in vaccum= 3*108msec).
  3. if the speed of light in water of refractive index 43 is 2.25*108ms, what will be the speed of light in vaccum?
  4. if the speed of light in glass is 2*108ms, what will be the speed of light in water? (refractive index of glass with respect to water is9/8).
  • answers-----
  1. 1.2*108
  2. 1.5
  3. 3*108
  4. 2.25*108

Refractive index of a material = speed of light in vaccum / speed of light in that medium

a) speed of light in diamond = speed of light in that medium /Refractive index of diamond = 3*108/2.5 = 

 = 1.2*108m/sec

b) refractive index of glass = 3* 10 8 / 2*108 = 1.5

c) speed of light in vaccum =   4.3 *2.25*108 = 9.675 * 108 m/sec

d) refractive index of water * speed of  light in water = refractive index of glass * speed of light in glass

speed of  light in water = refractive index of glass with respect to water * speed of light in glass

= (9/8)*2*108=2.25 *108 m/sec

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