find the sum of all three digit natural numbers divisible by 7????

The list of 3 digit numbers divisible by 7 are :

105, 112, ........994.

The above list forms an AP with first term, a = 105 and common difference, d = 7

Let an = 994

so,  a + (n - 1)d = 994

 ⇒ 105 + (n - 1)7 = 994

 ⇒ n = 128

now, sum of all the 3 digit numbers divisible by 7 is given by,

S128 = (128/2) [2×105 +(128 - 1)7]

 = 64 [210 + 889] = 64 × 1099 = 70336

  • 70

we have the following A.P



a=105 , d = 7 , l = 994 , n = 128

Sn = n2 [2a + (n-1)d]

= 1282 [105*2 + (128-1)7]

= 64(210+889)

= 64(1099)

= 70336

  • 5
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