find the value of r if 12Cr is maximum

For 12Cr to be max, r factorial must be the minimum possible... Now 0 factorial and 1 factorial both are = 1. So (12-r) factorial must be equal to 1, and thus (12-r) must be = 1 or 0. This means r must be equal to 11 or 12 to get the max value of 12Cr. 
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  • -3
The ans is 6
  • 1
Plz give me answer
  • -6
When n is even we get max value for nCr when r is n/2 .. But when n is odd we get max value when r is (n-1) /2 or (n+1) /2.. Therefore in this question as n is even , hence value of r should be 12/2 which is 6
  • -1
The value of r if 18cr is maximum
  • 1
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