Find this 6 digit number using the given clues

* The digit in the hundreds place is neither prime nor composite
* The digit in the ones place is twice the digit in the hundreds place
* The digit in thr lakhs place is the only prime number
* The digit in the ten thousands place is greater than tens place and both are odd numbers.
* Sum of the ten thousands and tens place should be in the thousands place

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Given : The digit in the hundreds place is neither prime nor composite .

We know : The number ' 1 ' is neither prime nor composite .

So, Hundred place digit =  1

And the digit in the ones place is twice the digit in the hundreds place , So

Once place digit  = 2 ( 1 ) =  2 

And The digit in the lakhs place is the only prime number .

But we have ' 2 '  as ones place digit and that is also a prime number ,  So we can't satisfied the third condition .

Kindly recheck your query and get back to us so that we could help you precisely .


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