Find this English grammar questions

Find this English grammar questions in the blanks with the type of adjective mentioned in the car is totally cool and hi-tech, (possessive adjective) g. medic.' report was 20•pages long. (demonstrative adjecth. late There were animals at the zoo. (adjective of number) , out believe vou bought (demonstrative adjective) voxe Of quality) tr.ov•.e did you like the most? (interrogative adjective) money 'n the theft- (adjective of quart (adjective of quality) and bright

Dear Student,
    1. my
    2. that
    3. ten
    4. this
    5. hoarse
    6. which
    7. a lot of
    8. question seems incorrect
    9. tasty
    10. her

  • 0
  • 0
Dishas car is;totally cool;and hitech posssessinve noun
  • -1
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