five difference between  coverging and diverging tectonic plates

Hi Jyosnika,

The answer to your question is as follows:

Converging tectonic plates:

i)  Converging plates move towards each other.

ii)  Converging plates lead to the formation of fold mountains.

iii)  Converging plates lead to the destruction of crust.

iv)  Subduction zones are formed on the margins where plates converge.

v)  Earthquakes occur mostly on convergent plate margins.


Diverging tectonic plates:

i)  Diverging plates move away from each other.

ii)  Diverging plates lead to the emergence of hot molten rock known as lava.

iii)  Diverging plates lead to the formation of new crust.

iv)  Diverging plates lead to formation of oceans and rift valleys.


v)  Mid-oceanic ridges are formed due to volcanic activity in areas of divergent plate margins.

Hope this resolves your query.

Best wishes

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(i) The internal heat of the earth makes the molten rocks to rush towards the surface of the earth and drive the crust into large fragments known as “Tectonic Plates”. These plates are drifting oven the mantle of the earth. As a result when the two or more plates are pushed towards each other they are called ‘Converging Plates’. On the other hand if they are moving away from each other, they are called ‘Diverging Plates’. 

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 According to the age of the soils of the Northern Plain they have been differentiated by two names: (a) Bhangar and (b) Khadar. The difference between these two are mentioned below –

(a) Bhangar – These are the older alluvium or old soil and form the largest part of the Northern Plains. They lie above the flood plains of the rivers and present a terrace like structure. It often contains Kankar nodules made of calcareous deposits.

(b) Khadar – The newer and younger deposits of the flood plains are known as ‘Khadar’. So, these are the new alluvium or new soil and are very fertile. Thus, Khadar is ideal for intensive agriculture. 

hope this works out for you

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