For a metallic wire, the ratio I (V= the applied bid., I= current flowing) is:
(a) Independent of temp.
(b) Increases as the temperature rises.
(C) Decreases as the temperature rises.
(d) Increases or decreases at temperature rises, depending upon the metal.

Assuming that you are asking about ratio V/I for metallic wire i am providing answer here. If there is anything else in your mind please reach again to us.

According to ohm's law
V =I R
So ration
V/I = R that is resistance of wire.
Resistance R is directly proportional to temperature.
It is becuase with the increase in temperature of conductor, both the random motion of electrons and the amplitude of vibration of fixed positive ions increase. As a result, the number of collisions increases. Hence, the resistance of a conductor increases with the increase in its temperature.

Thus ratio V/I increases as the temperature rises.


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Correct option is B)

Metallic wires contain free electrons which help in conduction of electricity. As temperature increases, atoms start vibrating more vigourously, thereby increasing the number of collisions. These collisions hinder the movement of free electrons. Therefore, the resistance to movement of electrons is higher at higher temperatures. So, the ratio increases as temperature increases.

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