For how much time lubb heart sound can be heard in one cardiac cycle?

Dear Student,

The lub sound is associated with the closure of atrioventricular valves i.e bicupsid and tricupsid valves inside the heart. The first heart sound is "lub". A cardiac cycle is of 0.8 seconds. Therefore, the first heartsound lasts for about 0.3 seconds as long as the ventricular systole occurs due to which,increased ventricular pressure is there and the blood is pumped into pulmonary trunk as well as aorta.

Hope this information helps in clearing your doubt.


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Heart sounds are the noises generated by the beating heart and the resultant flow of blood through it. Specifically, the sounds reflect the turbulence created when the heart valves snap shut. In cardiac auscultation, an examiner may use a stethoscope to listen for these unique and distinct sounds that provide important auditory data regarding the condition of the heart.
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