For the variable triangle ABC with fixed vertex (1,2) and A,B having coordinates (cost,sint),(sint,-cost) respectively, Find the locus of its centroid.

The coordinate of centroid O (x ,y ) in triangle having A (a,d ) , B(b,e) , C ( c ,f)
x = (a +b +c)/3 , y = (d + e + f)/3

So coordinate of given triangle is  :

h = (cost +sint +1)/3 , k = (sint - cost + 2 )/3

So 3h - 1 = cost + sint   (1) 
And 3k -2 =  sint - cost (2)

So squaring and adding both we have

(3h - 1)2 + (3k -2)2  =  (cost + sint)2 + (sint - cost)2
9h2 +1 -6h + 9k2 + 4 -12k = 2
9h2 +3 -6h + 9k2  -12k = 0 
Replacing h and k by x and y , we have the locus eqaution
9x2 +3 -6x + 9y2  -12y = 0 


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