frame five sentences on each of the following tenses.
simple present tense
present continuous tense
present perfect tense
present perfect continuous tense

Dear student 

Simple present tense - 
1. I think I'll read a book.
2. She cooks the best pasta ever!
3. I have with me, a rare and precious stone. 
4. Can you smell something burning?
5. He wants icecream.

Present continuous tense - 
1. I am taking a bath.
2. She is speaking to someone.
3. They are running in the marathon.
4. You are going to be late to school. 
5.  He is standing at the door.

Present perfect tense - 

1. I have lived here for two months.
2. She has been to the shops today.
3. They have written their exam.
4. You have done well today.
5. He has gone to school. 

Present perfect continuous tense - 
1. She has been swimming for a while.
2. They have been talking for a long time.
3. He has been working since dawn.
4. I have been looking for a new job since last month.
5.​ you have been going to that school for 16 years.


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