frrom (1,4) you travel 5root2 units by making 135degree with positive x-axis(anticlockwise) and then 4 units by making 120degree with positive x-axis clockwise to reach Q.find coordinate of point Q

let the coordinates of point A be (1,4). 
let travelling along 135 deg with the positive direction of x-axis at distance 5 root 2, we reach to the point B1 or B2
 then the coordinates of the points are given by
x-1cos135=y-4sin135=±52x-1-1/2=y-41/2=±52x=1-12.(±52) and y=4+12.(±52)x=1-(±5) and y=4±5x=1-5 and y=4+5 or x=1+5 and y=4-5x=-4 and y=9 or x=6 and y=-1then B1(-4,9) and B2(6,-1)
now from the point B1, if we move 4 units making 120 deg with positive x-axis clockwise.
then the angle made in anticlockwise direction is 180-120=60 deg
corresponding to point B1, we get two points Q1 and Q2,
the coordinates of the points Q1 and Q2 are given by:
x+4cos60=y-9sin60=±4x+41/2=y-93/2=±4x=-4+12.(±4) and y=9+32.(±4)x=-4±2 and y=9±23x=-4+2 and y=9+23  or x=-4-2 and y=9-23x=-2 and y=9+23 or x=-6 and y=9-23Q1 (-2,9+23) and Q2(-6 ,9-23)
corresponding to point B2, we wil get two more points:
the coordinates are given by:
x-6cos60=y+1sin60=±4x=6±4*12 and y=-1±4*32x=6±2 and y=-1±23x=6+2 and y=-1+23  or x=6-2 and y=-1-23x=8 and y=-1+23  or x=4 and y=-1-23Q3 (8, -1+23) and Q4 (4,-1-23)

hope this helps you

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