Give 3 advantages for the male gamete(sperm) being motile and the female gamete(ovum) being non-motile...

Dear student.

Male gametes are small and motile. As a result of which it can move faster. Tail helps in swimming, as a result of which it can reach female gamete.

Male gametes : 

  • They are called sperms. 
  • They are many in number and are small. 
  • They have a tail and are motile. 
  • They have a prominent nucleus and very thin cytoplasm. 

Female gametes :

  • It is called egg
  • It is large and only one egg matures per month in the ovary of female
  • It lacks a tail and is non-motile
  • It has prominent nucleus and very dense cytoplasm to nourish zygote.

  • 0
It makes the copulation easy...creates friction.
  • 1
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