give a character sketch of Governor of Oxford Prison based on the story "Evans tries an O-level"

The Governor was a man who took his job very seriously, which was a little more than could be said about his colleagues and subordinates. There is no denying the fact that he knew very well the prisoners who were under him, most of all Evans. He suspects the latter to be up to something when he requests to take the O-Level examination, although he did admit the possibility that Evans was actually interested. The Governor's astuteness is evidenced by the precautionary measures he takes in rendering Evans harmless and his thorough search of McLeery. However his astuteness bordered on paranoia, as he himself realised after some time when he found himself imagining Evans to attempt a Batman leap suffocating McLeery with a blanket. He begins unravelling when Evans escapes (or seems to anyway) despite all the precautions and he begins blaming his subordinates. He recovers eventually and manages to foil Evans's plan and the latter is visibly disheartened when he finds the Governor waiting for him at the Golden Lion. As he finds out, although a little late, the Governor had indeed been clever in working out the entire plan of Evans' for his first escape. However, in his exhilaration at having at last outsmarted Evans, he misses the fact that Evans had men even amongst the guards assigned to escort him back to prison - which is how he escapes for the final time.

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