give any 3 reasons why cultivation expanded rapidly in the colonial period ?

  • -6

 Increasing population, urbanization, increasing foreign trade, demand of commercial crops and decline of small scale and cottage industries inspired the peasants to expand their agricultural area. 

  • -2

the reasons why which the cultivation expanded in the colonial period

1 they wanted more and more land under cultivation to produce more crop to export to europe to get money and to feed the growing population of england

2 they wanted to convert forests into fields for  increasing lland revenue

3 there were many forest rules made during the colonial period by the british which forced the nomads and forest dwellers to leave their traditional occupation and settle down

  • 34

the colonial rulers thought that the forests were unproductive. 

  • 3

they started to introduce waste land rules which encouraged peopleto cultivate waste land

  • 1
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