1. Give brief notes on :
  • Robert Owen.
  • Louis Blanc
  • Karl Marx

Dear Student

Robert Owen:
1.Robert Owen was the founder of the Utopian Socialism and the cooperative Movement.
2. He was born on 14 May 1771, in Newtown, United Kingdom.
3. He was a leading English Textile Manufacturer.
4.  He believed in establishing cooperatives where the individuals produced goods collectively and divide the profit as per the work done by each member, and sought to build a cooperative community.

Louis Blanc:
1. Louis Blanc was a French politician and historian.
2. He was born on 29 October 1811 in Madrid, Spain.
3. His theory of socialism was "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."
4. He called for the creation of cooperatives to guarantee employment for the urban poor.

Karl Marx:
Karl Marx was born in Trier,  Germany, in 1818.
2. At Berlin university,  Marx came under the influence of one of his lecturers, Bruno Bauer, whose atheism and radical political opinions got him into trouble with the authorities. Bauer introduced Marx to the writings of G. W. F. Hegel, who had been the professor of philosophy at Berlin until his death in 1831.
3. Marx was especially impressed by Hegel's theory that a thing or thought could not be separated from its opposite. He used this philosophy to develop his own known as dialectical materialism.
4. He  was the philosopher ,historian,social scientist and socialist revolutionary.He was the most influential socialist in the nineteenth century.He wrote about economics and politics and society collectively known as Marxism.
5. According to Karl Marx society develop by class struggle .The two most popular works of Karl Marx are communist manifesto and Das Capital.



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