Give me anser

Dear Friend,
a) The tiger scares the people by baring his white fangs, his claws and also by snarling around houses.
b) The tiger must be kept free in the jungle so that it could freely do what it is supposed to do as he can not do these all things when kept in the zoo.
c) In these lines, the tiger lives a free life, as he is able to do what he should be doing.
d) Fangs, in the above lines means " sharp teeth''.

Hope it helps!
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A) The tiger scared the people by going to their villages and showing his sharp and white theeth and big big claws..
B) If he would not be bounded inside a cage he could live like a king in the jungle.
C) In these lines the tiger lives a life of freedom and seems to rule the jungle and enjoy his life terrorising the villagers.
4)''white fangs'' in the above sentence means sharp teeth.
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