Give me answers

Give me answers some of hrs own kind. 5. Refrigerator is (e) appliance that cool things. I. (a) (i) should 2. (b) (i)by 3. (c) (i) to 4. (i) against 5. (e) (i) at (ii) must (ii) from (it) towards (in favouring (iii) will (iii) of (iii) Of (iii) for (iii) an (iv) may (iv) to (iv) against (iv) towards (ivy the n the passage below there is an error in each line. Write the error and the correct word in your answer sheet. DO any four. The first one has been done as an example (4 marks) My mother, brother, younger brother and I w e.g. was watching television when the lightnings struck. (a) It has been raining since morning and the clouds was thick and dark. VVhen the lightning struck there were a very heavy osion as if some bomb had explode. Rearrange any four of the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example. Write the answers against the correct blank numbers in your answer sheet. (a) most important/breakfast Woffthe]meal/the day (b) many skipnack oübreakfastftime/due to m R kes/fast]tiredfvery/one/skipping breakfast (4 marks)

Dear Student.

a) lightnings - lightning
b) has - had
c) was - were
d) were - was
e) explode - exploded

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