Give me these answers

Give me these answers t-,ox has height h cm. Its length is 5 ti . than the length. Express the length and y t, km per hour. It is going from ons the following statements using expressions into :eage: •D A notebook cost p. A book costs 3p. • me cost of rice per kg is p. The cost of oil per litre 5p. h i) The speed of a truck is v km per hour. The hour (i) Tongs box contains 8 times the marbles he puts on the table. (v) The total number of students in the school is 20 times that of our (71) Raju is x years old. His uncle is 4x years old and his aunt is (41 -3)years old. (i) In arrangement of dots there are r rows. Each row contains 5 dots. AND EXPONENTS same number is very common.

Dear student, I am solving the first two parts of the question. Try others on your own in case of any help feel free to approach us! 1)A book costs three times that of a notebook.2) The cost of oil per litre is 5 times more than that of rice per kg. Regards

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