Give reason:
(a) cutting and piercing tools are made sharp.
(b) an egg sinks in fresh water but floats in highly salty water.
(c) pressure is more while a man is walking than while standing.res
(d) army tank rest upon a continuous chain.
(e) its easy to walk on sand with flat shoes than high heels shoes.
(f) railway tracks are laid on large sized concrete sleepers

a) cutting and piercing tools are made sharp because the area of contact reduced so that pressure increases and cutting become easy.
b) this is because of density as salty water have higher density as compare to fresh water so, egg floats on salty water but sinks in fresh water.
c)  as while walking   less part of our foot is in contact with earth so more pressure   and while standing at rest large area is in contact with earth so less 
pressure  is directly propotional to the area in contact.
d)  this is  to increase area of contact so that pressure reduces
e)  as pressure increases with decrease in area of contact so it is easy to walk with flat shoes on sand while with heels shoes.
f) it is done to  increase area of  contact  so that pressure of train on earth reduces and train can run smoothly over tracks.

  • 5
they make them sharp to increase pressure
  • -3
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