Give reasons for introduction of modern education in india by the british.

The fundamental aspect of British scheme of education was to promote English education.

a. British wanted to introduce modern western education to serve their economic interests as English education would convince Indians about the superiority of British goods which were machine made, it would make Indians recognize the advantages of trade and commerce.
b. Indians would recognize the importance of developing resources.
c. Modern education would bring about a change in their tastes and desires.
d. English education would create a class of people who could be part of civil service and serve their administrative purpose.
 To civilize India.
 f. To spread Christianity. 
 g. To consolidate British's power and position in the country.  
 h. British wanted to establish their cultural domination with spread of English language.
British considered the task of civilising India as their moral responsibility, and therefore believed that modern western education would make people rational and scientific.

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the reasons for modern education in india by british are :-
1 they thought that we are uncivilised
2 they felt that knowledge of englishwould allow indians to read some of the finest literature the world had produced.
3 they thought that it will make us aware of the developments in western science and philosophy
4 they wanted to show themself superior and wanted to make us feel inferior
  • 13
i just cant remember clearly sorry
  • -13
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