Give the ans of qsn no 478.

Give the ans of qsn no 478. : CELL : TUE UNIT OV xranu (Mob Paithan Road Panhan Roao, Au,angabad (Mob No '713924444) Cidco : N-1-N.5ChOWk. Nears B I Zona'Otr,ce.Auranqaoad Which or the following is present walls or 477. Shape ormetacentrie chromosome anaphase is (c) Lysosome (a) L -shaped V -shaped 478. Cell Wall is absent in (e) J •shaped 1 Amoeba Middle lamella I-shaped ( ALIBIS-2000) (b) Chara 479. During cell cycle, two molecules of DNA are present in chromsome during (d) E Coli (a) G, phase (MIMS -2001) Beginning of G, phase 480. The organelle connected with p-oxidation or rat digestion is (d) End of M-phase. (AllMS - 2002) (a) Glyoxysome (b) Sphaerosome (c) (d) M itochondrian. 481. In glycolysis, glucose molecule is converted into (AllMS -200: (a) PEP Acetyl Pyruvic acid (b) RuBP 482. Plasmodesmata connections help in (AILMS . 200 (a) Cytoplasmic streaming ) Synchronous ic divisions (c) Locomotion of unicellular organisms Movement of substances tktween cells 483. Which one is the wrong statement regarding ce I organelles ? (AllMS - 2009 a Lysosomes are double membraned vesicles budded off from Golgi bodies and contain digestive enzyt ( ) Endoplasmic reticulum consists ofa network of membranous tubulesand helps in transport,synthesis secretion. (c) Leucoplasts are bounded by two lack pigments but contain their own DNA and synthesising machinery. (d) Sphaerosomes are single membrane tuyund and are associated with synthesis and storage of lipids When synapsis is complete all along the chromosomes. the cell is said to have entered a stage (ALIMS (d) Zygotene. (c) IhchStene (b) Diplolene (a) Diakinesis Assertion : Mitochondria and chloroplasts are sem tonomous organelles. Reason : They are formed by division of per-existing organelles as well as contain DNA but lack synthesising rnachinery. (a) Which is common between chloroplasts. chromoplasts and leucoplasts (a) Presence Of pigments (c) Storage of starch. proteins and lipids. Enzyme catalase is found in (b) Spherosome Presence of thy lakoids and grana d Ability to multiply by a fission-luke process (d) All of these (c) Peroxisome nr .horl sequences of

Dear student

Kindly refer the solution of asked query below

The correct option is (a).

Cell wall is mainly present in the cells of bacteria, fungi and plants. The Chara is an alga (plant), E.coil is bacteria and Yeast is fungi. 

The amoeba does not contain any cell wall. 

​Hope this information clears your doubt about the said topic.


  • -2
The Correct Option is A
Cell wall is characteristics of bacteria, plants and fungi.
Thanks you.
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