Give the basic features of the mechanism of inheritance...... This question is from NCERT Exemplar. Their answer key does not provide a good answer to this question. The answer is rather vague. I have attached their answer to this question. Please elaborate and correct their answer...... Thanks in advance!

Dear student,
Please find below the answer:

Mechanism of inheritance is based on the following features:

1. Characters in an organism are controlled by genes (present on chromosomes) which are known as the units of heredity. Each gene controls one character. 

2. There may be two or more forms of a gene, out of which one is dominant over the other. The two forms of a gene separate at the time of gamete formation (occurs after meiosis) and are brought together in the zygote which is a result of the fusion of two gametes.

3. Chromosomes are the vehicles of heredity. Segregation of chromosomes takes place during gamete formation.

4. Recombination of genes takes place during the formation of gametes.

5. Half of the genetic material is contributed by mother and half by father.

Hope this clears your doubt.

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