Give the character sketch of Mahendra.

Dear Student.

Mahendra worked in a construction firm. He was sent by his company to different places to superwise the on going projects like dams, bridges, roads, etc. So he spent a lot of time at those project sites. He was also a good listener and never interrupted in between when the story was told.

We hope that this answer solves your query.

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 Mahendra worked for a construction firms. His work included supervising project sites. He had to travel place to place as company sent him to keep  an eye on the activities of the projects like dams, bridges, roads and buildings . He had an experienced cook, Ishwaran. Ishwaran was an asset for Mahendra. He was a man simple need. He was able to adjust in every difficult situation. He was an educated person and did not believe in ghosts and other supper natural powers. But He lacks courage. One day Iswaran told him a story of female ghost. It made Mahendra uneasy.  He could not sleep the whole night.
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