give the character sketches of all characters in birth by aj cronin in snapshots

Dear student
The following are the character sketches of characters appearing in 'Birth':

Andrew Manson:
Andrew Manson is seen as a kind-hearted doctor. Eventhough he was depressed, due to some issues with his lover, Christine, he helped Mrs.Morgan to deliver the baby, sacrificing his sleep at night. Though he is a newly passed out medical graduate, he is a skillful doctor who has done a successful delivery. 

Joe Morgan:
Joe Morgan is an extremely caring husband. He was very anxious about her wife's health during her delivery.

Mrs.Morgan's mother:
Mrs.Morgan's mother is a composed and wise woman grown with age. She controls her emotions inspite of her daughter and grandson's motionless state. She is a loving mother, inspite of her old age, she sat by her daughter all the time.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.
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