Give the example of organism having highest trophic level (ANY TWO)

The trophic level of an organism is the number of steps it is from the start of the chain. A food web starts at trophic level 1 with primary producers such as plants, can move to herbivores at level 2, carnivores at level 3 or higher, and typically finish with apex predators at level 4 or 5.

  • Level 1: Plants and algae make their own food and are called producers.
  • Level 2: Herbivores eat plants and are called primary consumers. 
           eg:  Grasshopper, Rabbit etc.
  • Level 3: Carnivores that eat herbivores are called secondary consumers.
           eg:  Frog, Fox, Wild Cat etc.
  • Level 4: Carnivores that eat other carnivores are called tertiary consumers.
           eg: Kingfisher, Hawk etc.

  • 4
I am not know.
  • 0
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