give the importance of herbaria.

(i) It is an invaluable conservatory of plant material and data.

(ii) It is storehouses of collection including the valuable type specimens. The herbaria greatly aid in all kinds of taxonomic researches.

(iii) Serves as a fundamental resource for identification of all plants of the world.

(iv) It serves as a source for collections biodiversity. Most estimates on global biodiversity today are based on herbarium collection only.

(v) It aids in biodiversity monitoring by carrying out security of herbarium collection to obtain quantitative baseline data on the distribution and abundance of keystone species is essential for all monitoring programmes.

(vi) It serves as a repository of voucher specimens on which varieties Botanical researches are carried out.

(vii) Aids in assessment of conservation status of a taxon.

(viii) Vast collection of a particular species in a herbarium aids in assessing the diversity or variations exhibited by a species in its distributional ranges helping in population biology studies.

(ix) It serves as a source for search of new genetic material for improvement of cultivated stock.

(x) The tags of herbarium carry all the information about habitat, habit, local name, flower colour and other characters of the plant, use of plant, frequency and abundance of species etc. It also includes the morphological description, range of distribution, variation and uses. In this way it provides data for botanical, ethnobotanical and phytogeographical studies etc.

(xi) Herbarium serves as an aid in teaching botany. Dried specimen is available all the time as compared to the fresh plant which may or may not be available. It helps in identifying the newly collected specimen.

(xii) Specimen may be used as a source of material for Anatomy, Palynology and Cytotaxonomy, Ecology, Chemistry, Molecular biology, Pharmacognosy and Environment impact assessment.

(xiii) Seeds of the herbarium specimens can be used to resurrect species extinct in the wild using modern technology.

(xiv) It aids in assessment and cataloguing of all species of economic potential, as commercial species, medicinal herbs, food plants etc.

(xv) It helps in development of computer data base on plants and maintains active links to international network of systematic resources and electronic base.

Hope it helps.. :)

  • 7
  • Storehouse of plant specimens
  • Specimens dried, pressed, and preserved on sheets
  • These sheets are arranged according to the accepted system of classification.
  • Herbarium sheet contains information about date and place of collection, collector’s name, local and botanical names.
  • Also provides quick referral systems in taxonomical studies.
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1 Herberia are store houses of plant specimens. They possess a collection of dried plant materials by using various techniques of preservation. 2 The preservation techniques involves collection, pressing,drying,poisoning, and mounting of plant materials. 3The herberia preserve the local,reagional and national plant wealth.🤓
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