give the salient features of bryophyta with two examples.

Salient features of Bryophytes:

1. Bryophytes grow in damp and shady places.

2. They follow heterologous haplo-diplobiontic type of life cycle.

3. The dominant plant body is gametophyte on which sporophyte is semiparasitic for its nutrition.

4. The thalloid gametophyte differentiated in to rhizoids, axis (stem) and leaves

5. Vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) absent.

6. The gametophyte bears multi-cellular and jacketed sex organs (antheridia and archegonia).

7. Sexual reproduction is oogamous type.
Example:Hornworts, liverworts, and mosses

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archana thanku
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Givi the salient features of brayophyta with tow exampal
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