Give the sum totalof all the allelic frequencies in a stable population. List any 5 factors which disturb the stability of a population. How does this disturbance affect the population

Dear student,
 According to Hardy-Weinberg principle, the sum total of all allelic frequencies is 1.

The factors that influence the stability of population:
  1. Mutations that are sudden changes in genes. Mutation may be caused due to various physical or chemical factors.
  2. Gene flow or gene migration. It occurs by the means of migration of individuals (in case of animals) or of propagules (in case of plants) into or out of a population. The individuals bring in or take out some genes from the population and thus disturb the equilibrium.
  3. Genetic recombination which occurs by crossing over during sexual reproduction. 
  4. Natural selection that selects a particular phenotype and works towards increasing its frequency.
  5. Genetic drift which is change in the gene frequencies in a population by a chance event.

These disturbances cause various changes in the population like variations in gene, genetic mutation, sometimes even speciation. The further advancement can lead to evolution of organism.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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