Grandfather's age is 4 times Abdul's age. Ten years ago his age was 7 times Abdul's age. Find their present ages.

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Let the age of abdul be x.

According to our first condition, we have grandfather's present age as 4x.

Now, age of both abdul and grandfather 10years ago would be,

Abdul's age = x - 10, Grandfather's age = 4x - 10

Now, according to our second condition,

4x - 10 = 7(x - 10)

solving the above equation we get,

4x - 10 = 7x - 70

4x - 7x = -70 + 10

-3x = - 60

x = 60/3

x = 20

Ans. The age of Abdul is 20 years. The age of grandfather is 4x = 4(20) = 80 years.

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ThankS @Antara :)

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