'Half of the problem of the world will vanish if we realise that each person is right in his own perspective.' Discuss

Dear Student,

I completely agree with the thought that half of the disputes would easily resolve if we understand the perspective of others. Whenever there is an argument, we always look at things from our point of view. We believe that what we are saying or doing is perfectly right and completely ignore the other side of that issue. But this is not the correct approach towards life. In order to make life easier, we must try to understand the other person’s perspective. Many times there are misunderstandings, which can be easily cleared if we listen to the other person. It is important to understand that every person has his own set of thoughts and decisions. We must respect each other’s views to decrease the stress and problems.

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pta nhi
  • -4
pta nhi
  • -4
most of the problem are due to conflicts and contradiction of ideas and thinking , we must realise that everyone have their own point of views . So simply we must know that each person is independent in his or her thinking and we cant make him or her force to do according to our wish and we must respect  other prospective 
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