halley's comet has a period of 76 years and in 1986 had a distance of closest approach to the sun equal to 8.9*1010m.the comets farthest distance from the sun is the mass of the sun is 2*1030kg in MKSunits.





(C) Whenever a heavenly body revolves round another body it follows an elliptical path having a distance o closest and farthest approach.

For these orbits

T2 = (4Π2/GM)a3 , where a and T are average distance of comet from Sun and time period of revolution respectively.

.•. a = [T2GM/4Π2]1/3

or, a = [((76×3.15×107)2× 6.67×10-11×2×1030)/4Π2 ]1/3

≈ 2.7 × 1012 m.

But for ellpse,

2a = rmin. + rmax.

(where a is the semi major axis of the ellipse)

or, rmax. = 2a - rmin.

rmax = 2 × 2.7 × 1012 - 8.9 × 1010

rmax ≈ 5.3 × 1012 m. Ans.

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