hands of man , wings of birds , and wings of bats are homologous or analogous organs. Explain.

hands of man and wings of bird are homologous ( same structure)
wings of bird and wings of bat are analogous (similar function)

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Homologous - different structure same function.
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Wings of Bird and Wings of Bat are analogous organs for they have different structure but same function - flight.
But when either of them is compared with Human hands -  then they have similar structure and origin but different function. So they are Homologous.
Hope it is clear :)
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  Hands of a man and wings of a bird have similar structure but different functions. Man uses his hands for grasping whereas birds use their wings for the purpose of flying .Since they have similar structure and different functions they are homologous.
 wings of bird and that of a bat have different structures but have same function of that of flight.Therefore they are analogous(same function ,different structures.)
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