hardwork never goes unrewarded

"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed." This is the famous saying by the George W Washington. The success of someone is measured in terms of his effort. A person who is born in a rich family is not a successful person in my eyes, however a person who is born in destitute family and works hard in his life to climb the mountain of the success is successful in my eyes. No matter what you and where you are your hard work will always pay. To work hard one must have the courage also. If you have the courage you dare to dream more and when you dream big you target something grand for you. The higher is your target the higher will be your pursuit and the higher will be the pleasure driven from this. This pleasure leads to the satisfaction and gives you the zeal to pursue more and to achieve more. In short your deligency is the key to your success as it will open many doors for you. Hard work is a key which can open any lock of the world. Dare to rule the world and start working for that. You will rule.

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