hc verma book of 9th class Solve 37 page no problem numericals from 1to 20

Do you think its your doubt or your demand for not studing an getting the answer straight away. i would like to request you try on your own for some questions
  • -2
  • 1
20 m/s
  • -5
Answer all questions

  • 1
A person walks along the sides of a square field.each side is 100m long .what is the maximum magnitude of displacement of the person in any time interval
  • 2
Bicycle moves with a constant velocity of 5 kilometre per hour For 10 minutes And then accelerates with 1 kilometre per hour square till it stops find the total distance covered
  • 0
A bicycle moves with a constant velocity of 5 kilometre per hour for 10 minutes and then accelerates with 1 kilometre per hour square till it stops find the total distance covered
  • -4
A bus moves at a uniform speed v1 for some time and then with a uniform speed v2. The distance -time table is given below. Plot the corresponding distance -time graph and answer the following questions.
  • 7
A person walks along the sides of a square field each side 100 m long
  • -1
A bus takes 8hours to cover a distance Of320 km what is the average speed of bus
  • -3
Page 37 solution neumericals
  • -1
Ques 1 _total distance =100 +25 =125 Displacement =100-25 =75
  • -4
Hc verma solutions ch 2 describing motion 
  • -2
Maabqbs dddxx sene ed djdx bc idbe ee ddhc
  • -4
Please answer this numerical

  • 2

  • -2
Average speed of the bus is 320km/80hr=4km/hr
  • -3
  • -2
In the hall in 40 minutes speed of 7.5 km per hour of
  • -3
A particle starts from a point with velocity of +6.0m/s and moves wth an acceleration of -2.0 m/s2 show that after 6s the particle will be starting point
  • -2

A person walks along the sides of a square field.each side is 100m long .what is the maximum magnitude of displacement of the person in any time interval
    • -2
    In the hare-tortoise race, the hare
    • -8
    Please the below answer

    • 1
    Jai hind
    • -6
    An object moves in straight line with an acceleratetion of 2mper sec if it's u 10 speed after 5 sec
    • 1
    What are you looking for?