Help me with 3rd one pls


Expression containing only one term is called a monomial.
Example: 2x, –3x², 2xy, etc.
Expression containing only two unlike terms is called a binomial. 
Example: 2x + 3, 3x² – 2, – 2xy + 3y², etc.
Expression with three terms, where the terms are unlike, is called a trinomial.
Example: 2x²–3x + 1, – 2xy + 5y + 6x, etc.
In general, the expression with one or more terms is called a polynomial.

Ans 3. a)  a + b - 2c: It has three unlike terms. Hence it is a trinomial. 
b) m² + n² + 5m²: It can be written as 6m² + n². So, there are two unlike terms. Hence, it is a binomial. 
c) 2x² - y² + 3x² - 2y²: It can be written as 5x² - 3y². So, there are two unlike terms. Hence, it is a binomial. 

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